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Sunday, September 25, 2022

Why did America write the first constitution ?

The American Constitution is a brief and simple document organized on a clear and logical pattern. It became effective on March 4, 1789. The U.S.A. adopted this constitution , when it became evident that the first National Government, constructed according to the Articles of the Confederation, did not succeed in uniting the thirteen colonies into a single nation.

The government established by the Constitution was limited in power and representative in character. It set up an independent national judiciary and introduced the system of separation of powers, and of checks and balances. The greatest achievement of the farmers of this Constitution was the Federal Union, the creation of a strong national government, along with effective state governments.

The Constitution provided for an elected President as chief executive. This made U.S.A. a republic.

The Constitution provided had hoped to establish a more perfect union. They succeeded in doing this beyond their expectations. Though the national or federal government had gained more power at the cost of the states yet the federal system continues. The Congress consists of a Senate and a House of Representatives. 

Finally the Constitution provided for a regular amendment.

The Power of Constitution Development 

There are two distinct methods of amendment :

1. Any amendment receiving two-thirds vote in both the Senate  and House of Representatives  is transmitted by the Head of the General States Administration to the governors of the several states to be laid before the legislatures or convention.

2. The legislatures of two-thirds of states call a national convention to propose amendments. But this method has mot been successful.

Whether a given amendment shall be acted upon by sate legislatures or by convention especially chosen for the purpose is determined by the Congress.

Observation on Amendments

Looking over the various amendments of the U.S. Constitution one observes the following significant facts : 

1. In the main they deny powers rather than confer new powers.

2 . The amendments are only to a slight extent responsible for the remarkable growth of government function and activities in the last decades. From a somewhat earlier amendment, it is true, the Central Government derived the power to tax incomes and this has been an important factor in financing new programmes.

3. The Amendment have contributed materially to the advancement of democracy.

In many instances, there occur changes, not by introducing new amendment but by a fresh and broadened interpretation of words, phrases and clauses. In other words the Supreme Court has read new meaning into the original words of the Constitution.

The secret of the endurance of the Constitution is not only in the formal amending process but also in the constitutional elaboration legislation, executive action, judicial interpretation and custom.

The French Revolution affected not only the French people but the people of all over the world. The slogan of 'liberty, equality and fraternity had great influence on the revolutionary movements of the 19th century. The French Revolution paved the way for democracy throughout the world.

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